SmaXel Dental CO2 Laser
SmaXel Dental CO2 Laser
Key Features
10600nm Wavelength + Multiple Handpieces
Hemostasis After Extraction
Crown Lengthening
Gingival Excision
Allergic Splenitis
Sterilization of a Root Canal
Herpetic Gingivitis
Abscess Treatment
Advantages of using a Laser
Precision – The beam direction and power can be controlled precisely to remove thin layers of tissue and pro-duce minimal side effects on the sur-rounding healthy tissue.
Less Pain – The laser seals nerve endings as it cuts. So the patient will have less pain.
Less Bleeding – The laser seals small blood vessels during surgery and speeds up surgery by minimizing bleeding.
Less Swelling – No physical contact except the invisible laser beam. The tissue will not be crushed.
Sterilization – The laser sterilizes the surgical site as it cuts. Bacteria and viruses are vaporized by the laser during laser surgery.
Faster Recovery – less bleeding and swelling will result in faster healing.
Reduced Hospitalization Time – All of the above factor will greatly re-duce the procedure time.